Partnerships Between Historical & Environmental Organizations

February 2019


Aiken, SC, is a lovely place with friendly people. I’m on contract with Audubon South Carolina and gave a presentation last Tuesday about partnerships between historical and environmental organizations at Aiken County Historical Museum. There was a good crowd from Audubon, the museum, other organizations, and friends who listened intently. Good suggestions from them about what organizations can do to enhance partnerships. Convivial conversations afterwards. A tip of the hat to Aiken and Lauren Virgo.


I began my presentation with this video. Have you seen it? Among many other things, it illustrates how it takes all kinds to tell a good story.




Images from my lecture – it was a wonderfully engaged audience from the community, and a chance for colleagues and friends to say hello, which is always welcome!




George W. McDaniel, Ph.D., is President of McDaniel Consulting, LLC, a strategy firm that helps organizations use history to build bridges within itself and to its broader constituents. The company’s tag line, “Building Bridges through History,” is grounded in McDaniel’s personal beliefs and his experience in site management, preservation, education, board development, fundraising, and community outreach. Rather than using history to divide us, he strives to help organizations use history, especially local history, to enhance cross-cultural understanding and to support local museums, preservation, and education.  Dr. McDaniel recently led volunteer efforts with Emanuel AME Church and historical organizations in Charleston to use historic preservation to enhance racial reconciliation and healing. McDaniel is also the Executive Director Emeritus of Drayton Hall, a historic site in Charleston, SC, owned by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

A frequent writer, speaker, and facilitator about such issues, he can be reached at or through his website at


Header Image: Aiken County Historical Museum website
