by | Mar 23, 2022 | Blog, Community Engagement, Conservation, Whole Place Preservation
My Letter-to-the-Editor, Charleston’s Post and Courier, March 23: Why save land from development? Growing up in Atlanta, I saw development as a proud positive, believing it would be managed, but came to learn that without individuals and...
by | Dec 18, 2021 | Blog, Community Engagement, Conservation, Planning
The Ashley River, just upstream from Bacon’s Bridge. Rosebrock Park is on the left. Connecting two parks on diagonally opposite sides of a river? Simple, right? Just build a bridge. But the river is scenic. The four-lane road is busy with traffic, and...
by | Nov 9, 2021 | Blog, Community Engagement, Conservation, Planning, Whole Place Preservation
As chairman of the Dorchester Trust Foundation, which owns Rosebrock Park as a nature-based park leased to the county, we are charged with protecting it and its nearby resources. Its health is now threatened by an in-and-out gas station directly across the road...
by | Jan 24, 2019 | Blog, Board Development, Community Engagement, Historic Preservation, Interpretation, Outreach, Planning, Publication, Whole Place Preservation
by George W. McDaniel for The Southern Edge Magazine, Winter 2018 One day in the mid-1990s, I drove from my home in Summerville to Bacon’s Bridge over the Ashley River and spent several hours enjoying the tranquil beauty and deep sense of history the place...
by | Dec 17, 2018 | Blog, Community Engagement, Outreach, Planning
A good day. A project I’ve been working on for some time received front page coverage in the Charleston Post & Courier. There’s much more to be done, but public recognition like this lifts the spirits, and hopefully will make a difference to the good —...