I was pleased to be profiled in the Fall 2017 issue of Azalea Magazine and I thank journalist Susan Frampton for her research in bringing my “curriculum vitae” to life. I appreciated her observations regarding not only my many years as executive director at Drayton Hall, including my work in both historic and whole-place preservation, but also my present-day mission in working with organizations to help them tell a “collaborative narrative of history that crosses the boundaries of race, gender, geography, religion, and socio-economics.”
“George McDaniel’s approach to historic preservation reaches across our differences and helps connect us to a future honoring the commonalities that bind us together.”
– Susan Frampton, Azalea Magazine
To read the entire article online (pages 25-27), please click here.
McDaniel is also the Executive Director Emeritus of Drayton Hall, a historic site in Charleston, SC, owned by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. He retired from Drayton Hall in 2015 after 25 years of distinguished service.